Saturday, October 11, 2008
My New Job!!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I also have to post a picture of my new haircut. I just got it cut on Wednesday. This is the 1st time ever my hair has been above my shoulders, and so far, I am really liking it! BTW...I donated 12" of my hair to Locks of Love.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
KYLE IS 40!!!!
We went to Colorado to visit my family again this summer, and of course, the girls had a blast (me included). I even got to get away for a few days with my older sister & Mom to go to Telluride. We found TomKat's home set back in the aspens...absolutely beautiful...the aspens, that is! We could not see the actual house due to the security gate and the nosy neighbors.
Monday, July 21, 2008
A Little Update!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sending The Girls Off
Before they went on their merry way, we brought them to Silver Dollar City in Branson on Saturday. They have finally gotten to the age where they can ride the bigger roller coasters with us. We had the best time we have ever had this time. The biggest ride was PowderKeg. Go to this link to see the ride. The first time Caroline & Catherine rode PowderKeg, they were scared and not too sure about it. We also rode the WaterBoggin ride and got soaked from head to toe. Our shorts were still wet when we got home Saturday night. Before we left, Kyle & I wanted to ride Powderkeg again. The girls actually liked the ride better the second time. Going to Silver Dollar City before we had to give our girls away for a week was a great send-off.
Sunday after church we drove to Pine Bluff to meet Kyle's parents. They brought the girls down to Louisiana until Friday. I did not want them to go, but I did it for the grandparents. Summers are way too short and I like to spend every day with the girls. Sunday afternoon was hard for Kyle & me after dropping them off. The car was way too quiet. Monday was not that great either without them. Don't get me wrong. Kyle & I are having some good quality time together, but it is always nice to have Caroline & Catherine here to kiss good night & pray together. I may be better today. Sunday & Monday I couldn't think about them not being here too much or tears would start flowing. I am just looking forward to Friday!!!
BTW, I had taken lots of pictures of Silver Dollar City, Father's Day, and saying goodbye to Caroline & Catherine, but the SD card is now messed up. I cannot retreive the pictures. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Summer Fun!!
Tuesday, before swimming, I had the girls help me clean the house. Caroline dusted everything, and Catherine wiped down all five of the vanities & mirrors. Then, we went to the Halderman's house to swim. Caroline & Catherine had a great time with Sage & Gabe. In this picture, they were pretending to have boyfriends (The Jonas Brothers & Troy Bolton, mind you), and they were trying to sit "romantically".
Wednesday, after gymnastics, we headed to our pool at Paradise Valley Golf. Alicia & her three boys joined us. I think everyone had a great time. Today we are heading back to the pool because the Lord is sending his rain again tomorrow. We just returned from riding our bikes. The girls decided they wanted to do the shorter trip this time (about 2 miles). Usually we ride to their school or Sonic, which is 4 miles round trip. They are troopers and love every minute of it.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Catherine's Sleepover
Missing Kyle
So, back to the reason I am writing this in the first place...I am missing Kyle. He is usually great entertainment for the girls on Sundays. I usually get a lot of my laundry done while they play outside. So much for laundry today...we mostly need bathing suits this week anyway!!!