Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well, the title says it all! We are supposed to be heading to Hot Springs on Monday for a retreat on the houseboat for 5 days on Lake Oauchita, but Kyle is now in the process of cancelling those reservations. The Lord has shown us in many ways that He wants us to use this week to go to Lakeland, FL to visit The Florida Outpouring. I don't know if any of you have heard about this, but you can go to God.TV to watch live showings of the revival almost every night. There have been people resurrected from death, healings, and best of all, an overwhelming amount of God's Spirit poured out among the thousands of people that have visited and the millions who watch it over the internet. This is an international revival!!! People all over the world are going to the revival; but, His Spirit is being poured out over the internet to people's homes. Believe me, this has happened to us. The Lord has confirmed through many "divine appointments" that this is what He wants us to do. So, we will be picking up Caroline & Catherine tomorrow in Pine Bluff and then head straight to Florida. They have no idea yet. The Lord has shared several things with Kyle of what we are to do, so we are trying to follow in His footsteps. Please pray for our protection and I will be praying for you while you watch. Be ready to see us changed!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey cuz, I was goofing around on google and found your family blog page... Uncle Pat & Aunt Bet never told me ya'll had this.. drop me a shout sometime..

Hey, need your input on something..
take a look and see what i am missing..

Love you guys... look forward in hearing from you..
Larry Wayne

Caron said...

Please see and click on "demo." Justin was at the revival and will be interviewed on VCY America tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. CST...
*Crosstalk Alert* Wednesday. Please receive this in love :)
Cute pictures!!

Elizabeth said...

Wow, you have been blogging. I am very impressed. I haven't had much time to check blogs and I have really missed out on yours. I pray you have a good trip to FL.

Reba said...

Hi! I have been checking in and hadn't seen an update. I am guessing you had a good trip to the revival and made it back okay? Hope you are enjoying the rest of the summer!

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