Catherine finally talked me into having a sleepover for her birthday. I kept telling her no
because I had done one for Caroline in February for the last two birthdays. But, in the end, I began feeling bad for Catherine, so Friday night was the special night. Keep in mind she is only 6. Most girls are not even allowed to spend the night at this age. We invited 6 girls, all of whom came to celebrate by bowling with us. Only three were able to spend the night. They were all girls from church and were well behaved. Lucky me, all were asleep by 10:30...not too bad. We began with pizza on the back patio followed by playing in the backyard.

I actually gave the girls their party favors before we left to bowl, so they could wear them. All of my friends are so creative in coming up with cute little party favors and I did not get so blessed in this particular area. But, I have to say, this time they turned out pretty cute. While I was in Hobby Lobby trying
to come up with some crafty idea, I came across their T-shirts. I thought maybe I could buy T-shirts & let the girls put handprints all over the shirts. That thought did not last long considering these are 6 year olds and I do not want to get out the paint. Then I looked some more and came across these rhinestone iron-on initials. After hitting both local Hobby Lobby's and several stores looking for inexpensive tanks, I found all the initials & shirts. Here is the picture of all the girls wearing their shirts. They loved them and I loved them because they were so easy. I completed 8 shirts in less than 45 minutes and $35. Don't I have something to be proud of?

After getting full bellies, we headed for the bowling alley. This is one of the McCann family's favorite outings, so Catherine wanted it to be part of her party. I think the girls had a really good time. They seemed to have stayed on top of their turns. I hardly had to remind them when it was their turn; they kept up with it themselves. This definitely surprised me. The picture is of the Birthday Bowler.
When we got back home, we had cookie cake and ice cream, then opened presents. They wanted to go back outside to play some more before settling down. (The backyard was a hit because not only do we have the trampoline and the playground from Sam's Club, but last weekend Kyle also added a rope to a high branch of an oak tree. This rope has a foot hold in it and is swung on like being in the jungle. They climb up the climbing wall of the playset, then push off hanging onto the rope. No pictures of this unfortunately. I will catch some later.) Anyway, they wore themselves out and were asleep by 10:30. While I cooked cinnamon rolls in the morning, they were back out there playing. I think they all had a good time, but I am glad to say that it is all over and I SURVIVED another one!!!
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