Saturday, October 11, 2008

My New Job!!!

Some of you may already know this, but I thought I might go ahead and share it for those of you who do not know. I have been substituting for the Springdale Schools for their School Nurses. I have loved doing this. Since I no longer have kiddos at home any more, this has been perfect for getting me out of the house. I eventually wanted to become a full time school nurse, but I did not realize that the Lord wanted me to become full time so soon. I will become Walker Elementary's full time School Nurse beginning Monday. This is not only good, because we will get some extra spending money (of course, with the economy like it is, we consider this a blessing), but also because this is the school Caroline & Catherine attend. Needless to say, they are soooo excited. I have given them "the talk" though...not to come in my office until the end of the day, not to give me hugs when they see me in the hall, etc. They both agreed to this deal; Catherine said, "That's okay, because I won't need to hug you. I will be just so excited just to see you." Whenever you all think of me, be praying for me, though. I have a lot to learn, and I have a lot of responsibility with those children. I do look forward to starting, because I love all of the children at Walker already.


Reba said...

I am SOOOO excited about your new job. I have really missed seeing you and talking to you this year. Now I will get to see you more than you ever wanted! :) See you tomorrow.

Kim said...

That is so exciting! I'm glad you were able to get on full time there. That must be a great thing!

Elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth said...

Sorry for the deleted comment, I had a typo.
Wow, I had quite a few post to catch up on . That is exciting about your job. And so fun to see Angela's family.

Anonymous said...

It's nice knowing if Lauren is really hurt, Someone who really cares will take care of her.

Brittney said...

Hello! I found a link to your blog through Kim's and I thought I'd stop by and say hi! Your hair is so cute and I'm so happy you were able to find a job that you love. I'm sure the kids love having such a sweet nurse!