Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Nightly Routine

Here is what I see every night at 7:30 in our home. Caroline & Catherine look forward to reading their Bible with Daddy before going to sleep. Their are 2 different Bibles: one is for Daddy & Daughter and the other is for Momma & Daughter. They are really good with a little devotional at the end of each story. We hope & pray we are teaching the girls to love Jesus at an early age so they will never stray from the things of the Lord!


Anonymous said...

sweet...thanks for sharing. it's so great that you are hiding God's word in their hearts. Thank you Lord for the precious heritage you have given us in our children, may we always teach them your ways.

Elizabeth said...

That is so sweet. Clara is already a MAJOR daddy's girl. She wants nothing to do with me or anybody else when Chris is around. We are blessed to have wonderful husbands that make great daddys.

Shandra said...

that is sweet! okay, i just realized that's what everyone else wrote! anyway, they will always remember that.

liz...andrew was a mamma's boy but is a daddy's boy now. i'm actually enjoying it!! :) i was jealous but now i love it b/c he bugs daddy for stuff.

Anonymous said...

come on, Tiff, we need an update!!! Hope you're all doing well